Came to Madurai for training at Honeywell. This place sucks. Tamil Nadu boasts of high literacy rates, but what the fuck is the use if these assholes don't know any language except tamil??? Forget english. These guys don't respond to hindi too. Heck, they seem to not understand even sign language!
I mean, if I came to you and said "Bus-stand?" with a closed fist and thumb pointing upwards, what can you possibly comprehend from that, other than the fact that I want to know where the bus-stand is??? They look at you blankly and nod their head upwards, indicating they don't get it. Then you ask "Bus-stand enge?" and magically the figer lifts in the heavenly direction of the bus-stand. Fucking arrogant pricks.
As much as I should be taking offense to your referring to [i]my[/i] people as [i]fucking arrogant prick[/i] and [i]assholes[/i], I must say, I did laugh at your description, but only because it's true.
Tamil Nadu is very very well known for its residents' staunch refusal to use any language except Tamil to communicate. In Kerala, you have auto drivers conversing fluently in English, and in Karnataka, atleast Bangalore, the servicemen are generally capable of understanding Hindi and English, if not being able to reply in it.
And keep in mind the [i]literacy rate[/i] that Tamil Nadu boasts of is merely the capability to [i]read and write Tamil[/i] .. so commenting on the use of high literacy rates is kind of meaningless.
You use the word arrogant. Have you ever tried going to interior Karnataka and talking in Tamil? :) It's much the same there too.
So have you settled in yet? How long is your training in Madurai going to be?
settling, not yet. and yeah i know how u'll be treated if you speak tamil in karnataka. But if you speak in english, or even hindi, and you make it clear that you don't know kannada, the ppl are understanding.
here,as i said, these guys don't even want to respond to sign language,which is so quite obvious. i know madurai is not a grade 1 city, but the general attitude of the local population is what i take exception to. and i don't mean to offend tamilians. many of my frens are tamilians. but the arrogance of the locals here is quite appalling.
Appalling... Your arrogant words only reflect how well you could have asked the directions from the locals.
Hindi is still a alien language to them. That doesn't make them illiterate. If you had spoken in Telugu, Malayalam or Kannada they would have probably understood, because these dravidian languages have some resemblance.
Go to south interior karnataka or any part of interior Andra and check out their understanding of Hindi; they have no purpose to learn Hindi.
Could you tell what other regional languages you know apart from Hindi?
I never wanted S/W companies to come up in Madurai, the people coming in spoil the locals' life by bringing in drastic changes. That is the case with B'lore as well.
I was really offended as I live & love in Madurai, I used to pass through your company for the past 4 years to become a s/w engineer.
To say the least, you are 'simply stupid' to understand your country's diversity.
If you come to Madurai another time, let me know I would definitely show you around, with the hope that you would change your opinion, and you will relish it.
Thanks Friend.
I'm all for diversity. I love this country.
We were looking for accomodation in Madurai, and we made it perfectly, and politely clear to the locals that we did not know tamil. We tried our best to interact with them in what ever sign lingo possible. Every place we went to for accomodation, we got the reply - "Kannada??Ille ille. Pongo."
Trust me, my friend, that would not happen in Karnataka. You can ask any non Tamilian who's been to Madurai, or even Chennai. They will vouch for what i'm saying. I know it must be hard to digest what i've written, cos you are a local from there, and i understand that everyone from that place will not be bad. You seem like a nice person. But the general attitude of the locals is something i have never seen before.
I have been to various remote places in all south indian states(Karnataka included), and I will assure you, if you tell them you don't know the local lingo, they will help you out instead of treating you like an infected dog.
Ha..ha.. Looks like you ran into some distraught chap(s).
And I believe, everyone will be ready to help some stranger (except for those in tourism industry!).
btw, your "infected dog" thing was really humorous!
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