Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer Cut

Went to the barber's, and told him "Short. Full short", and voila, 10 minutes later, i'm looking entirely different! I don't know why I got it done so short.. Maybe just too many bad hair days. I don't expect to have great hair everyday, but it just gets too irritating if a portion is jutting out oddly everyday! Every morning I woke up, the first thing I said to the mirror as I brushed my teeth was "Fuck. Not again. So today the left side of the army is the rebel." How can I expect world peace when even the hair on my head don't get along?? So I sought the only solution to attain peace. Violence. Chopped them off into submission.

Another thing that comes out of a short hair cut, is a reality check. It's almost like they decided to resign from the army. "It's our way or no way". Oh well, you were gone anyway. Your neighbour pals were the ones doing the 'covering up' work.
Sush says it makes my head look bigger. But more hair means a bigger looking head, right?!
One beauty about this cut- When you take a shower, wow! It just feels so great! Two drops of shampoo and it's all done! Now I can go back to standing under hot running water and headbanging to metal songs playing on the computer speakers!
PS: To concerned friends, don't worry, it'll grow back. :)


Black Swan said...

But but...[splutter splutter] I LOVED your wavy hair that you tossed about. What ya.

I know it'd grow back, but still. (sniffles) :(

My heart goes out to the li'l fellas who did not get along.

Sanky said...

Wavy hair tossed about??? Hams I think you are talking about your self! :P

mirror mirror on the wall said...

can't wait to see you